Ós Residency Open House

Welcome on Thursday, March 24!

Fabricademy 2022

We are now officially part of the Fabricademy network!

Students in the TextileLab

On March 2, we welcomed product design students from the University of the Arts.

CENTRINNO: Fab City Voices

Sign up for the lunchtime webinar with Vincent Guimas from the Paris Pilot!

Iceland Knit Fest Design- and Knitting Competition 2022

The theme is "balaclava" and deadline for submissions May 1, 2022.

Centrinno: Blönduós Pilot Video

CENTRINNO has a YouTube channel - take a look


Our TextileLab is now officially part of Shemakes!

Thanksgiving Times and Christmas Wishes

It's been a full year here at the Textile Center.

Open Wednesdays at the TextileLab

Everyone's welcome between 13:00 - 20:00

Study visits

In recent months, we've had plenty of visitors!