How to apply

Open Call
The Textile Center residency accepts applications at any time. Artists may apply for any time of year, with the exception of December (we're closed in December). The residency is for periods of 1-3 months (contact us regarding longer stays), hosting up to 14 resident artists at a time. Applications are submitted via our application form (see Application form: Artist in residence.) In the form, you can choose the type of room you are interested in, and let us know which equipment you would like to work with. Contact if there are any questions regarding the residency or your application. 

Residencies are self-funded. The Textile Center does not offer scholarships, unless advertised otherwise. Please make sure to check which funding opportunities are available to you in your home country. 

Residency fees & Cancellation policy
If you need to cancel or postpone your residency, please let us know as soon as possible. No, really, please let us know! We understand that sometimes, funding does not come through and plans change. Cancellations received four months in advance of the start date of residency will receive a complete refund. Please note that the confirmation fee (approx. 50 Euros) is not refundable! 

Residency Availability
The residency is generally more full in the spring/summer months (May to September). If you wish to attend the residency during these months, it is important to as soon as possible. Consider applying for a residency in the fall/winter months (October to April) for more immediate and open availability. Residencies always last from the first to the day before the last day of a given month. Arrival and departure dates of individual artists may vary. 

Application Materials
Applications to the Textile Center Residency are accepted year round and reviewed on a rolling basis. We accepts submissions from emerging, mid-career and senior level artists and scholars working inside the textile field (i.e. fiber art, surface and fashion design, weaving) who are formally trained in their respective discipline. We also base our selection on creativity and textile exploration.

To apply, please fill out the online application form and make sure to include

  • A short CV or resumé describing your professional approach/working field (PDF/DOC format) - max one page. 
  • A short project description/intentions for your stay – max one page (PDF/DOC format). Please make sure to mention your name on the proposal!
  • Four images showing examples of your work, marked with name and title (JPG format)

Note: Projects don’t need to be finished here, the residency is a place for personal research, exploring Icelandic textile traditions and exchange between textile artists. 

Application Deadlines
Residencies are always subject to availability. Artists are welcome to apply on short notice, but we generally recommend to apply at least four - six months in advance. An introductory email* is sent out during the month before accepted artists’ arrival. This enables artists to connect with each other before arriving, and perhaps meet in Reykjavík and travel together to Blönduós.

*Please notify us if you would not like your email shared with your fellow arriving resident artists. We respect your privacy and do not use your email for any other reason but direct communication between the Textile Center and residents.