LHÍ Study Visit

Students with instructors Guðbjörg (far left), Ragnheiður and Katrín Margrét.
Students with instructors Guðbjörg (far left), Ragnheiður and Katrín Margrét.

First-year students in the fashion design course at the Iceland University of the Arts visited the Textile Center from April 15th to 19th. For the past decade, students of the program have made this trip regularly to deepen their understanding of textiles, exploring both traditional craft methods and digital techniques. Some have then applied the knowledge and skills gained from these visits to their coursework, incorporating these techniques into their final projects.

During their stay, the ten students were instructed in setting up patterns on digital looms, weaving, testing embroidery machines, felting machines, and tufting guns. They also practiced simple weaving on traditional patterns and visited the Ístex wool washing facilities in Blönduós. 

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